Markosia | The Final Page - PF | Spinwhiz Comics
The Final Page - PF
  • Print On Demand 16.99

When William Belmont discovers a diary in the mud he does not realise where it will lead, nor how much it will change his life.

All he sees is a chance to absolve himself of a hated label - coward....

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Print type:
B&W 4.37 x 7 in or 178 x 111 mm Perfect Bound on White w/Gloss Lam


When William Belmont discovers a diary in the mud he does not realise where it will lead, nor how much it will change his life.

All he sees is a chance to absolve himself of a hated label - coward. Will decides to return the diary to its owner, one Isabella Bertolli. But there's a problem.

A war is raging, and their country is caught in the middle of it, and there are guards watching his every move...