Markosia | Vanquished: Be a {Wo}man: 3 - PF | Spinwhiz Comics
Vanquished: Be a {Wo}man: 3 - PF
  • Print On Demand 18.99

VOL 3 - Valorie Valiant, the transgender princess of Valenguard, crosses swords with Tat while Marium meets her ghostly husband in single combat.

Joshi and Sheila defend the Wisteria against the...

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Print type:
Standard Color 6.69 x 9.61 in or 244 x 170 mm (Pinched Crown) Perfect Bound on Standard 70 White w/Gloss Lam


VOL 3 - Valorie Valiant, the transgender princess of Valenguard, crosses swords with Tat while Marium meets her ghostly husband in single combat.

Joshi and Sheila defend the Wisteria against the Amalgam, but will Shawn overcome his fear in time to help? The Monitor draws Nem, Cye, and Leah deeper into his nightmare realm.

Sooner or later one of them is going to snap. Will the Wisteria Crew escape the Grubscape or will they leave their souls behind to haunt this realm forever?