Markosia | Vanquished: Be a {Wo}man - Volume 2 - PF | Spinwhiz Comics
Vanquished: Be a {Wo}man - Volume 2 - PF
  • Print On Demand 16.99

The Wisteria Crew scours the Grubscape for the only part which can fix their airship, but the hazards of this long abandoned swamp may just get the best of them.

A shadowy figure who wields the powers...

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Print type:
Standard Color 6.69 x 9.61 in or 244 x 170 mm (Pinched Crown) Perfect Bound on Standard 70 White w/Gloss Lam


The Wisteria Crew scours the Grubscape for the only part which can fix their airship, but the hazards of this long abandoned swamp may just get the best of them.

A shadowy figure who wields the powers of necromancy, a monstrous spider made of grub zombies, and the enigmatic monitor all stand between Valorie Valiant, the transgender princess of Valenguard, and getting back to her kingdom in one piece.