Markosia | The Hirono Chronicles: Spirit War - PF | Spinwhiz Comics
The Hirono Chronicles: Spirit War - PF
  • Print On Demand 13.99

"...the light of the Soul Channel is growing dim... If something is not done to fix this it could spell the end of our Council..."

Meera is dying. After months on the run with Takashi the Council have...

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Print type:
B&W 4.37 x 7 in or 178 x 111 mm Perfect Bound on White w/Matte Lam


"...the light of the Soul Channel is growing dim... If something is not done to fix this it could spell the end of our Council..."

Meera is dying. After months on the run with Takashi the Council have reclaimed her, but the gift is slowly killing her.

Takashi and Meera discover their only hope is to enter Sen'i - the spirit realm - and to beg an almighty spirit to transfer it.

But an unnatural sickness is spreading through Sen'i and they must first stop it before it is too late...