Markosia | Hero Killer #3 | Spinwhiz Comics
Hero Killer #3
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The superheroes know they are being hunted and attempt to mobilize under Captain Power's leadership. Marquez continues her investigation after things take a turn for the worst in her personal life.
Markosia | Hero Killer #3 page 1 | Spinwhiz Comics
Markosia | Hero Killer #3 page 2 | Spinwhiz Comics
Markosia | Hero Killer #3 page 3 | Spinwhiz Comics
Markosia | Hero Killer #3 page 4 | Spinwhiz Comics
Markosia | Hero Killer #3 page 5 | Spinwhiz Comics
Markosia | Hero Killer #3 page 6 | Spinwhiz Comics


The superheroes know they are being hunted and attempt to mobilize under Captain Power's leadership. Marquez continues her investigation after things take a turn for the worst in her personal life.